Ruth Clampett, daughter of legendary animation director, Bob Clampett, has spent a lifetime surround by art, animation and story development. A graduate of Art Center College of Design, her careers have included graphic design, photography, teaching photography at UCLA, and Vice President of Design for Warner Bros. Studio Stores (1993-2001) . In 2001 she founded Clampett Studio Collections, the fine art publisher for Warner Bros. In her career she has had the opportunity to know and work with many of the greatest artists in the world of animation and comics. She has also done presentations and panels about her Father’s career, and presents the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award yearly at the San Diego Comic-Con’s Eisner Awards.
Ruth also is a USA Today Bestselling author and has published nine books: Animate Me, Mr. 365, the Work of Art Trilogy, WET, BURN, Unforgiven and Encore. Her books are equally varied, infusing humor, drama, and passion into the romantic lives of strong heroines and heroes and their worthy and determined counterparts. Her book, Mr. 365 was adapted into a holiday film by Reel One Productions which premiered on PassionFlix for Christmas 2018. Five of her novels have been translated in German, French, Italian and Portuguese. She grew up and still happily resides in Los Angeles where most of her stories are centered.