Hugh Brown has been designing music packaging for a long time. Long enough to have designed cassettes and long boxes but not long enough to have done 78s. For many years he was the Creative Director of Rhino Records, the best known and most successful archival and reissue label in the world. His groundbreaking and whimsical designs, have led to 11 packaging/design Grammy nominations and three wins. He has won over 50 other awards from Print Magazine, I.D. Magazine, Communication Arts, AIGA, and many others. He has consistently raised the bar for product packaging in the entertainment industry.

Weird Tales of the Ramones box set from Rhino Records, including comic, which was art directed by Hugh Brown.
One of his proudest moments was for his second place finish in the “Design a chair for Barbie” Competition sponsored by Vitra Design Museum, Metropolis Magazine, Mattell and W, not because of the second place finish but because the entry caused a fist fight among the judges.
Hugh Brown was the Art Director for the Rhino Records Weird Tales of the Ramones box set and included comic. Hugh will be joining many of the artists for that Ramones comic as part of our Weird Tales of the Ramones reunion.