Dr. Sara Callori is a professor of physics at California State University San Bernardino studying how to engineer exotic new materials on the atomic scale. She earned her B.A. in physics at New York University and her Ph.D. in physics at Stony Brook University. Her research background is in experimental condensed matter physics, which means she study why materials behave the way they do. She’s interested in how very thin (tens of nanometer thick) layers of materials can be engineered to have new or interesting magnetic properties that may be useful for future technology. She is a mentor for Cal-Bridge, a program aimed at increasing the number of underrepresented minorities earning Ph.D.s in the sciences. She’s been a contestant on both Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune, and has an x-ray diffraction tattoo.
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/callori-lab/home
Twitter: @SaraDoesScience